Why Buy A Custom-Fit Car Cover? To help protect your investment and keep your vehicle looking show-room new. Keeping your vehicle covered with a car cover can:
o Prevent unsightly dents, dings and scratches
o Shield it against finish-destroying man-made and natural hazards
o Act as an excellent theft deterrent
o Put a barrier between your paint and damaging weather
o For the fifth car cover benefit visit AutoAnything.com for more details
Dents, Dings and Scratches Reference
There's a certain feeling you experience when you discover that first dent, ding or scratch on your new vehicle. Unfortunately, they're a fact of life and nothing short of covering your vehicle with reactive tank armor will truly prevent them. However, using a car cover adds a layer of protective padding to cushion against runaway shopping carts, absent-minded car doors or other blows.
Natural Hazards Guide